when sacred monsters
return then the air
like a nervous burn
the nightingale is startled
unable to yearn
for what it’s there for
when sacred monsters
in the closeted night
when the
heart is closed
from dusk until light
sacred monsters
sending the outer to inner
off to a room
to bed without dinner
there’s a hundred ways to
love them monsters
on many gray days
when the heart is uncalled for
its speechless refrain
is memory’s lost voice
tell me again it’s
a dangerous choice
in a sky of clearly murderous blue
the sun casts shadows
monsters trail you
night is an engine
purring underfoot
wine the invention
of the terminally rootless
a sensible horizon is what is needed
a brutal journey is what was craved
the last glass of wine and a bedtime read
it starts with relief
it starts when you’re saved
embrace the crashes
those terrible questions
the people behind us
are never mentioned
arguments raised
the dead will never
we’ll kill the beast
not the one trapped inside
sacred monsters stick
around for the ride
there is no such thing
as a small enemy
what held me once no longer holds me
who knew me once no longer knows me