Monday, December 24, 2012

I Am Alone

I am alone
with shy grief tonight
it’s late and I’m glad
relief comes with flight
pull a cork
write a poem
that is my speech
to the ghosts
now present
and welcoming
the new resident
who is so becoming
a blonde waterfall
over her curious eye
deceptive her beauty
wide her sky
ghosts play at nothing
until they are served
a newcomer arrives
and everyone’s nerved
this is my speech
at the wedding of Bel
to her literate Muse
in a heavenly cell
favored by those
who know how to rebel
she wrote like a
covered in silk
more dangerous than
those of her posturing ilk
instead clothed with
fabric made of her friends
she  wrote like a demon
with angel wings
she angrily sorted the
worst of things
sharks only circled and
learned from her bite
she sounded the trumpet
for life here on earth
she gave me the meaning
of what it’s all worth.

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