Friday, February 14, 2025


russian river valley

sonoma county

pinot noir


you are here in underdressed stories

crimeless passions of the lone

among a live human choir

you are here to rectify coyness


you here for the judged

you here for the mulching

you here to remind him

writing is vengeful reminders of love

writing is something to witness

flown like the wind 

an unharnessed forgiveness of sin


you are lacquered with golden reminders

useless rations in the cupboard 

wedged between the writer’s lies

you are here to stamp out forgiveness

you are here to put out the humorless lies

you are here to touch the forgiven

you are here to witness denial


tramping across the

russian river valley

sonoma county

pinot noir


for your underdressed love of freedom

countries you have never ravaged

he went there for the love

he went there for moments

he lacquered dreams of old glory, impaled

he risked nothing new on the grand scheme of things


russian river valley

sonoma county

pinot noir


an undermined noise

better than bee stings


nyc 9.7.23
photo: Doggo 2.26.202

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