Saturday, June 13, 2020

Where do we go from nowhere
when the last cowbell clangs its lonesome cheer
when seven o’clock is abandoned
when protest is manhandled
where do we go when the bees disappear
traffic below returns like a shark
eat enough junk food they say
you’ll embrace green asparagus
retire to your room
read more Karl Marx
who has the moral authority
who wears the real mask
this is the question to
ask and then ask again
look to the gods who are complex humans
the ones who stumble
the ones who die grinning
clasping dream gyros
and leave us spinning
drop that summons that insult to freedom
charge from the lighthouse
attack the doldrums
we have always shuddered in darker places
it’s a game, it’s a scrabble
get down with the races
love and war
hunger and Zen
you can’t be declawed again and again
there is never a time when
a flower lacks beauty
children are born free
this certainty’s no illusion
disaster becomes us
grows our heart and our minds
in the moss of invention
we are people in charge
we are people enlarged
we are people learning to look closely
all visas before are rendered unworthy
passports are useless
we are travelers free of respite
put on a raft and set alight
push us off to the sea
fight the rage of the sharks
haul those oars
depend on the larks
morning comes as it always does
righteous anger awakens
what was interrupted
we will no longer be diverted
can I survive, beauty asks
normal was wounded
unorthodox tainted
heartbroken heals what was always intended

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