Tuesday, January 29, 2019


Born old and alone
Like a wizened gnome
Eyeing the terrain
Looking for the home
That takes me in 
Chucks me under my chin
Sit be listened to
Sit be included
Sit have a say
Sit you are home
And I spread the wings
Crippled at birth
For the dangerous road
The search for the mirth
History of art
History of begging
Self-harmed in a way
That embraces forgiving
Toothless old women 
taught me that living has
wings of its own
that I may be forgiven
for flying too high
for finding my feet
for once trying to die
I am old now and younger
Than I have ever been
A staircase descends
A staircase grows higher
Heaven or gutter
No matter how far
Like a wise man once said
I can still see the stars. 

David Hammons
Bag Lady In Flight
Shopping bags, grease and hair 1975

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