Thursday, January 30, 2025


loss is gain is earth
is pain and sun is
rain is friendship dying growth is new is ground blue is meant for flying
death is newer fruit
is ripe and won is worth is sisters crying gratitude is found even in the lying
life is data search
is then the sum of panning for the golden new is lost and wound tighter than the runoff
right is wrong again
is still the burn off
on a friendless wind storm sisters soulless found nothing beats a sun roof
storm is calm again
is buried under
decades of intention
right is wronged renowned living neat living sound
living quiet dying loud
For B. For now. 4.22.16 nyc
PHOTO: Tim Tapling Moel Famau across the Marshes : Burton : Wirral : 29:Jan:2025.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

I think of you
In the low moments
The space between torment.
I think of you
Like a list for the market.
I have that. Don’t need that
I must stock that soon.
I think of you
Eyeing that bloodline of
The red, red wine.
The glass like a broken marker
Of unsaid regret.
Coffee beans in Sambuca
Dark and perfect.
I think of you
I think of you
Fingers crippled into caves
Of unsure revenge
Covering the keyboard
Folded, dilated, saved.
Crossing the Rubicon.
Wearing the wrong shoes
For a miscalculation.
Does it count
When I am up late
Betraying those decisions
I made to choose.
I think of you in revisions.
I think of you
In stories once written.
The page like a nightmare
On its gentler way
Flying down slowly
To save a dark day.
Who makes the incisions
When friendship is torn
You think I’m wrong
I know
I know.
Does it matter
This blue unintentional
This sudden redeemable
This this uneventual
Collision of disregard.
I think of you even now
Conniving inspiring rewiring
Despairing on cue.
Foolish me foolish you
I know
I know
It’s battle fatigue.
Embraced at the airport
Like long lost friends.
You left me no choice but
To choose in the end
The history of one over
Small angers of another.
I thought you were bigger.
I thought you were tougher.
I’ll miss you for now
Never forget your voice.
It’s stuck in our song.
You have no choice.
Make the most of your secrets
skulls piled under lampshades
Rugs pulled from the eaves
of regrettable he-said—she-said
Another conquest will come
In a while.
Be safe little monkey
Think longer and harder.
Beware the pedestal
Reject the martyr.
Beware of the longing.
Remember the embrace.
Love yourself try harder or
You will lose the race.
I think of you often.
That will not be erased.
1.26.19 nyc
Photo: 8.17.2019 nyc

Friday, January 24, 2025



Sir shadow, you drunk
Sir Shadow, you mean 
and crazy man
Sir Shadow, you hopeless shoe lacer
you angry defacer
Sir Shadow of mine
you black valentine
swing from the wing with a ghosty divine
Sir Shadow, you hopeless
reminder of loss
comic trickster of heaven
Byzantium’s loss is 
a place where nothing of import
gives into dull hymns
or nudged the sweet need of sorts
Sir Shadow, it’s now

in the cinnamon dark
when I drink to the owl
to the falcon, the lark
and the music still hovers
like a family of sorts
Sir Shadow, the sum of 
my disparate parts
gets childy and needy and
begs for the stars
the way to lace upward
the wayfaring boot
send me on to the place
and dig me my root


Thursday, January 23, 2025



people come
people go
lists remain
our blind farrago
inner cracking sound system
bleed me
bleed my
love or defeat me
I have met that person
I don’t do autographs
but I am up for the duration
people come
people go
lists remain
our blind farrago
secret weapon stashed within
free me
free the
horse underneath me
riding wild to reason
to a place unaware
of the knee-buckling seasons we share
people come
people go
lists remain
our blind farrago
eyelids lowered to the scrim
teach me
teach the
heart that belies a
beating past of war cries
in the thin underneath
of the root killing history we know
people come
people go
lists remain
our blind farrago
Photo: Tim Tapling Flaybrick Cemetery in the mist [2] : Bidston : Birkenhead : Wirral : 27:Dec:2024.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025



She was not a fan of
varnished poetry.
So much slid past her.
That reverie.
She preferred life’s boils
Bursting in mid air
When anyone asked her
That question.
Un Deux Trois 8.2021
Photo: July 13, 2021 nyc

Thursday, January 2, 2025


sounds deep or shallow
under skies gone dark
that dog our heels
on a tenebrous path
that cause us to wheel
in fright or wonder
may be devil or angel
may be owl or lark
the presence of spirits
both wicked and tender
have roles to play
help us remember
we map our own paths
in darkness and light
night is only
one half of life
PHOTO: Tim Tapling
Sundown : Dee Estuary : West Kirby : Wirral : 30:Dec:2024.