Tuesday, June 25, 2024



he is among the missing for that, alone, drugged angels
sing cathedral cheers
the mole speaks into the parrot’s ear
he’s flown again
loosened knots of laughter come undone at his freedom

he is among the missing
he has touched either side of himself
choosing the space in between

ca. 1976 nyc postcard poems

Monday, June 24, 2024




how does it happen

that a person grows old

against their will and

better judgment

how does it happen

that mirrors wreak havoc

and spines bend like classics

reread again and again

a page turned is one step

closer to death or

a chapter unearthed

is a photograph

that misses the joke

when you focus on nothing

expect a reminder

a voice may return

passion dug under

like a sower who turns

the earth not for profit

who strikes a pose

when the wind hits the surface

remember my voice

it says and I do

and tonight it returned

long overdue.


NYC 7.21.12

What is fun early on
Makes no difference in the long run
How the story is unfolded
Creased and bent and undercover
Makes no difference in the long run
When the bastards scythe the clover
What was done early on
Pulling dragons from the sea scum
Knowing what she had to call it
Gardening stoned underwater
Trailing steps along the border
Footfall knows just where to run
What becomes then the norm
Felines declawed of their protest
Friendship up for chance renewal
What was fun in distant autumn
Never fails to fail the test
Cat or child the story’s done
What becomes is now our normal


2.25.22 nyc