Thursday, March 19, 2020

Passing Through

birth was her first catastrophe
wet and unyielding 
she wailed screaming like a poem
bleaker than Plath
this is it she reckoned
this leaky ballast
what if she asked them 
to leave her alone
those aliens called parents
her sham called a home
she grew from the nettles 
too often grasped 
envious of fences white 
yet still masked
avoiding the snares
she kept to a rule
golden and solid rejected by fools
she grew from the lies in empty rooms
learning simple clues 
on where to roam
she grew thick like a weed
in her vacant lot heart
staring sometimes at her white-hot flesh
lit by the light of her tenderness
at darkness aground
she travelled with ghosts those
companions profound
grew from the murders she 
meant to believe 
had meaning had sound
but I’m just a girl she cried
hungover and older
engrossed with the thrall
of the times they are changing
renewed with the chorus
we sing to with aging
born free she was and still remains
a woman with oars on
a boat run aground
it comes back to nothing 
she drains the hole in her head
passing through again and again
for the time calculated
devoted to anger 
those truths she craves
that range further and further
those stories she’s told
passing through ages
in glorious rhyme
on camouflage pages
these stories she tells until
everything’s new
these stories she tells until
her passage is through

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