Wednesday, October 2, 2013


she rode an alligator
as a child
 its skin was tough
its temper mild
 until a threat
large and true 
forced aground then fell 
to the blue 
it swam for her safety 
toward what she knew 
the alligator saved her
from hobnailed hearts
took her far from the 
drunkards and thieves who bartered
did as they pleased
in sunlight and recesses
darker than sad dances

she found strength
and managed those passes
she rode an alligator as a child
its skin was tough

its temper was mild

they’d sung a private
battle hymn 
for a child
she longed
for his strength
found that she missed him
the alligator
calmed her bones
and promised no harness
no strings
she was needed
and started to sing
did she miss him and kisses
she hardly knew
wearing alligator shoes?
when the author hisses
does anyone know
who is the wife?
who is the child?

she left the alligator
on her way to bold chances

halted her mad need for things
she struts unobserved
can a band save your life
who is the child?
what needs to be preserved?
start to sing unobserved
in the land of false manses
be poor and be rich
make them guess at your answers
I am here on the back
of a creature that hisses
I am here
that's a fact
get used to it bitches

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